
ASES Grant Funded After School Programs in Redlands Unified School District


Q: What is ASES - After School Education & Safety Programs? 

A: ASES Grants are funded by California's Proposition 49. The grants are awarded to schools that have a very high need for an after school program, based on the percentage of students who qualify for Free/Reduced Meal Programs, now known simply as Low-Income.

Q: Why don't all schools have ASES?

A: Some schools do not qualify for the grant. Currently the CDE is funding only schools that have more than 99.1% Low-Income students.

Q: Why do I have to pick-up during specific times?

A: Our programs have a structured schedule of activities in the afternoon. Pick-up times are scheduled in between activities to minimize disruptions to the classroom while allowing your student to finish the activity they are working on.

Q. Does my student need to stay until the end of the program every day?

A: No. We have a flexible and family-centered pick-up policy so that you can pick-up at the best time for your student's needs.

Q. Does my student need to attend every day?

A. No, however, priority will be given to students who do attend each day. If you have a custody agreement and your student cannot come every day, please speak with your ASES program's staff.

Q. Can my special needs student attend?

A. If we can keep your student safe, then yes. However, if your student needs a 1:1 aide or has more serious needs, we may not be able to meet their needs in our program. We carefully consider each case on an individual basis. Please share your student's needs with us in the application process so that we can meet with you to discuss this further.

Q. Is there a fee to attend the program?

A. No, all ASES programs are provided for free. We do happily accept donations of supplies from our families and those they know.